About Oncospace

From "Oncospace : A Database Designed for Personalized Medicine in Radiation Oncology"


The Oncospace database aggregates treatment planning and clinical information about prior patients facilitating extraction of knowledge from prior courses of care. The data is compiled in an analytical database with web-based model designed for clinical quality control, evidence-based medicine, retrospective/prospective translational research, and decision support. The goal is to use this knowledge to improve quality and safety of care for new patients.


We have utilized the scripting in Pinnacle3 (Philips) to acquire 3D planning data and store them in a data warehouse designed inter-patient plan comparisons, quality control and automatic IMRT planning based on target and critical structure shape relationships. The Oncospace website, built in C# and ASP.NET, accesses the MS SQLServer database for analysis. The data tables are designed to support patient geometry, targets and organs at risk (OAR) and their spatial relationships, dose distributions, toxicities, diagnosis and disease progression, chemotherapy and medications, laboratory values, patient histories and demographics. Data is collected directly from the treatment planning system and the oncology information system (OIS). Point of service data collection is facilitated with tablet (iPad) forms linked to the OIS.


Web pages have been built to answer questions about treatment and planning data, including:

  1. For a selected toxicity and OAR, display the dose volume histogram (DVH) and colorize them by the maximum toxicity grade of the patient while identifying a selected patients DVH
  2. For a selected OAR and percent volume (%V), find the lowest dose achieved from all patients whose %V is closer to the selected target volume?
  3. For a given diagnosis, toxicity and treatment, display the aggregate trend in toxicity from start of treatment (acute) through several year follow-up (late)?

See Research page for more research results dervied from the Oncospace data.

Oncospace currently supports:

  1. A full Head and Neck database
  2. A multi-institutional pancreatic stereotactic trial
  3. A shape database for automated planning of pancreatic cancer treatment
  4. A Thoracic database


Oncospace can provide fast access to large amounts of data through complex queries designed to answer specific clinical questions to influence the safety and quality of care for new patients. This system can be used in the clinical setting to assess both plan quality and outcome expectations for new patients based on the data of prior patients.

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